austin, cat scratch fever

I went to Austin last weekend for a deposition related to the car accident we were in in November 2000. I won’t write anything about that wonderful experience, for fear that some evil legal aide is reading this looking for character flaws that prove that I’m a bad bad person.

After the deposition, I stayed at Steve and Erin’s for a couple days and hung out with them, Vince, and Gary. It was a very nice visit, except for two things:

– Their cat went crazy on me and gouged my face. This wasn’t a big deal, I just didn’t like having to keep saying that it was really all right.
– I woke up sunday morning (the day of my flight home) feeling horrible–like I had food poisoning. I spent the whole morning and early afternoon running into Steve and Erin’s only bathroom. I felt so bad.

I think maybe I had cat scratch fever.