Big easy

now for the latest news. We went to New Orleans over the weekend to meet up and hang out with Margaret’s Mom and sister. This was our first visit to the state of Lousianna…check one more off the list. My impressions of New Orleans are as follows: the french quarter night life could give a person (especially a married wierdo like me) a big headache. The food is very good, but you wouldn’t want to eat it very often. The buildings are interesting, and the city has a very foreign country feel to it, except for it’s also very american. The cemetaries look fascinating, and I’d like to check those out more on the next visit.
Regarding the whole swamp business…I understand that the location had strategic value in days of old, but they really should start moving people to somewhere else before global warming goes much further or their going to have some serious troubles. We took a swamp tour. Saw many alligators and held a baby one.