Margaritifer #1!

We bottled the first Margaritifer wine a couple weeks ago: Martian Red Australian Shiraz (23 liters; from a kit). We acually bottled it a week later than I had originally planned because we went to Boise for my Grandpa’s funeral. In honor of him, I’m calling the wine Spencer’s Martian Red Australian Shiraz.

We’ve drunk a few bottles already. It’s good! I’m curious as to how it’s going to develop over the next few months. Actually, we haven’t had any in about a week now, and I’m pretty curious as to whether it’s still the same now. We’re going to be showing it off and sharing it with our friends Saturday night, so I’ll find out soon enough!

Winemaking is really interesting. Sometimes I think that I do too many things and that there’s no place in the world for a generalist like me, so I try to focus on something…but then something else that’s incredibly fascinating to me pops out and I have to chase after it.

At any rate, I’ve started on my second wine now: a Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon. I’m really excited about this one. I learned so much from the last batch and I’ve aquired so much more general winemaking knowledge and much better tools since then.