Gangster Fun is Back!

Friday was the Gangster Fun reunion show! It was insane! We were really good. The only bad thing about the night was that the show was sold out before the doors opened, and so a lot of people (including some of my friends) who didn’t buy tickets in advance were turned away. If you were among them, you’ll be glad to hear that it’s looking more and more likely that this was not the last Gangster Fun show ever. It was way too much fun to not do again.

I’ll be posting video here as soon as it’s done rendering and uploading. In the meantime, visit our brand-new Myspace page and be our friends.


  1. Suzz says:

    Hey Chris-
    I saw your post about G-Fun when I was looking for Ron Hill. I am an old friend of his from those G-Fun days. I would love to get in touch with him. Can you help me.
    I am sad I missed the reunion show.

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