Kathy’s Wedding, Cali, and recording

Just got back from another trip. This time to Vegas for my sister’s wedding (on June 30). Kathy and Jay got married at the Tropicana. It was great to see everyone there. The wedding was a quick vegas-style thing (but planned well in advance). The reception was excellent, with a very bad elvis impersonator (turns out he wasn’t really an elvis impersonator, they just asked the DJ if he’d wear the costume and he agreed.) Karaoke. (karatee okie, or what do you call it….just saw ‘Duets’, that’s what the Karaoke hustler–played by Huey Lewis–calls it.) Margaret and I kicked out the jams.
Oh, two weeks prior to the wedding, my brother came to visit and Margaret went to L.A. to visit the new Nephew. David and I rented a guitar and recorded some songs. see the Gunrack stuff or check out the 180 Gs!. Having David out here was an excellent time. I don’t get near enough of a chance to hang out with him as I’d like.
Back to last weekend….After Vegas, we flew to Portland, OR and visited Ken and Meg and Emily. Ken made fab ribs (and lots too). Then we went to their beach house in Lincoln City where I apparently became a legend at the Karaoke bar (are you seeing a pattern…my next career), I blew up lots of fireworks, we started a fire on the beach on July 4th (despite the 35 mph wind and cold weather) and I had a great time. I love small beach towns and Lincoln city is a fine one. We’ll be returning there.
This Thursday we travel to California again to train a client and to spend some time in Sacramento to see if we really like it. I’m keeping my fingers crossed, because I don’t know how much more texas I can stand.