no fucking around in ‘02

Happy 2002. The official Minnick motto for this year is “No fucking around in 2002”. Margaret gets the credit for “penning” it. We’re very excited about this new year (and new motto).

We drove to Michigan for X-mas and New Years. Another great time. We spent plenty of quality time with the family, went to Henry Ford museum and Greenfield Village(I’m amazed at how cool that place is…I hadn’t been there in years), had a great dinner at my brothers, recorded some stuff, went to Greektown, and so much more.

On the way back to Austin, we stopped at Graceland and did the whole tour (the planes too!). On my first visit to Graceland with my sister Kathy, back in 1995, we were too poor to buy the “platinum” tickets, so we just did the mansion tour. Since then, it’s been a dream of mine to see the planes (there are two, the Lisa Marie, and Hound Dog 2. The Lisa Marie is the big, impressive one).

We spent New Years Eve at the Ramada Inn Airport in Memphis, spent an hour at the painful party in the hotel lounge (because it was too cold outside for us to want to do anything else), then woke up early on New Years Day and drove home. Good to be home, good to have a new year for not fucking around in.