Tag: html5

Coding All-in-One For Dummies 2nd Edition

My Latest Book: Coding All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition

I’m excited to announce that the latest book I worked on, Coding All-in-One For Dummies (2nd edition), will be available in stores starting this week!

When I was asked to be the lead author for the 2nd Edition of Coding All-in-One For Dummies, I immediately said “YES!” It was thrilling to work together with so many great expert authors to update this important and successful book.

My first goal with writing the book was to make sure it accurately reflected the state of coding today. The first edition of Coding All-in-One For Dummies came out in 2017. Although the foundations of coding taught in the first edition are still the same, much has changed since then.

Important changes include the shift away from mobile web apps and towards cross-platform app development, JavaScript has evolved significantly, Python has been upgraded, cloud computing has become an essential part of coding, responsive web design has gone from being a good idea to a requirement for any web site, and much more.

My second goal with this book was to make it fun and accessible for anyone, regardless of their previous coding experience. There’s a lot of information in this book, but if you take your time and play with it, it will pay off.

My third goal was to stay within the page count limit set by my editors. Oops! I love coding and everything about it. There was so much I wanted to tell you about coding that I ended up going over my page limit by around 400 pages. The resulting manuscript would have been impossible to print in one volume, I was told. So, after some careful pruning, I was able to get down to just 200 pages over the maximum size. I begged for a special exception to the rule and even took out my usual long list of thank yous to my family and third-grade teachers to save a page. Finally, even in this time of skyrocketting paper prices, the wonderful people at For Dummies agreed that this book is perfect, and they’d figure out a way to print it.

I hope you enjoy this book! Thank you for beginning, or continuing, your coding adventure with me.
